When Suzi arrived at the home, there were 2 puppies left, a boy and a girl. Suzi offered to take both puppies but the woman advised Suzi the female was going to a home with a woman who was there earlier in the day, so Suzi took the little boy. Suzi spoke with the woman regarding the litter. The woman told Suzi it was an accidental litter that her Rottweiler was not spayed and her brothers Rottweiler was not neutered and she did her best to keep them seperated but voila, next thing you know, a litter of puppies.
Suzi educated her on spaying and neutering, gave the woman $100.00 and told her where the spay/neuter clinic was and asked her to take the money and have her female spayed. Approx. 1 month later, Suzi received a spay certificate from the lady. Suzi was supposed to put Dodger up for adoption, but could not part with him and he is now ARRF'S mascot. Since coming into Suzi's Life and becoming the Mascot for ARRF, Suzi and Dodger are pretty much inseperable, he is her wingman. Suzi has entered Dodger into Schutzhund training and competition. he now has 3 working Schutzhund titles, and is Therapy Dog Certified.
As of July 2012 Dodger was hired by the casting company that filmed the Cinemax series Banshee to play Preacher, the Rottweiler of Proctor. Series airs January 2013.

As of January 2013 Dodger has managed what no other rescue dog has ever achieved, he has titled 7 times in Schutzhund/protection/obedience. He will be trialing this coming December and this may be his last trial before he retires,handing the torch over to his rescue puppy brother Preacher who will go on to make our rescue proud and trial and show everyone that you do not have to pay thousands of dollars for a dog to go out on a field to show and trial, a rescue dog can do it too !

Dodger went on to become a Service dog, and retired from competition with 9 titles in Obedience and Protection. Dodger travels everywhere with Suzi, he greets all of her customers at her store, is her constant companion 24/7.
Please visit our photo gallery for more pictures of Dodger.
Dodger and Suzi are an inseperable pair, and everyone knows and loves Dodger. He has been written up in numerous magazines and newspapers for his acomplishments. He is the absolute love of Suzi's life. If you see Suzi, you see Dodger, they are never apart.
Sadly and very tragically, on November 20,2014, Dodger suddenly collapsed, and with one final look at Suzi he died. He passed away looking at the one and only true love of his life and left Suzi devastated. There will never be another Dodger.
You Eclipsed my heart when you left me Dodger. I will always love you, mommy.
Click here to view Dodger's full photo album